Diverse ways of conducting terrain measurements pose a high risk for the success of a project execution
In recent years, construcion projects have had diverse ways of conducting terrain measurements. Each measurements service provider also has different ways of operating with projects and handing over measurement data.
Your project will benefit of an independent measurement services
A lack of attention for measurement matters during the project leads to increased elements for risk that can threaten the project's budget and schedule. Especially in control and inspection activities, it is essential that the measuring operator is independent of contract fees and without any links to designers or contractors.
Welado pioneering in driving standardization of measurements and improving the quality of measurement data
Welado's measurement services are produced both to support the project management and quality control of our own projects and we provide it to our customers as a service with three focuses: inspection and monitoring activities, railways monitoring and measurement bases.
For us it is important to have comprehensive, yet light for your project, standard inspection and control activities. The aim is to improve the quality of the measurement data received, while it meets the project objectives and is accoring to given instructions. We aim to standardize the homogeneity and equal treatment of the data and outcomes of it. As an outcome same things are checked on all the material received, regardless of the operator.
Being a pioneer in the field of measurement means that we want to develop:
- expertise in the field utilising various technologies
- "automatic" inspection of laser scanning and modelling with strong expertise
- topographic measurement processes from their acquisition to reception
- expertise in, for example, railways measurements and measurement bases by training consultants.
Welado is independent of designers and measurement contractors
We offer a wide range of measurement services. Our special expertise is railways and frame measurements as well as the development of operating methods in the measurements field.
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Ota yhteyttä
Jarkko Vilppola, projektipäällikkö